Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt has spearheaded the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative, a UTC research center designed to address violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond. Housed within UTC’s Criminal Justice department, the VRI represents a bold commitment to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions.
UTC announces launch of the Violence Reduction Initiative
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has officially announced the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative (VRI), a research center housed within the Department of Criminal Justice dedicated to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions to violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond.
Research chronicles: UTC’s Biology, Geology and Environmental Science faculty land $1.8 million in external funding
A trio of research proposals led by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science (BGE) faculty members has secured over $1.8 million in external grant and contract awards, marking a successful summer for funding.
Coming up ROSES: UTC scientists land NASA research award
Associate Professor Azad Hossain, an environmental geoscientist in the UTC Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science, was the principal investigator on award funding of $299,998 from NASA for the project titled “Remote Sensing of Water Quality in the Tennessee River.”
Grant writing done right: ORSP helping faculty and staff fund research
Behind the scenes of UTC faculty research sits the backbone of the operation: the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Faculty rely on grants and sponsorships to fund almost every project. Sometimes, rules and regulations within the applications and awards are hard to see or understand. That is where the staff of the ORSP come in.
UTC contingent visits Oak Ridge National Laboratory
On Friday, Feb. 23, a University of Tennessee at Chattanooga group—consisting of faculty, staff and student Jannat Saeed—visited the UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.