Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt has spearheaded the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative, a UTC research center designed to address violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond. Housed within UTC’s Criminal Justice department, the VRI represents a bold commitment to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions.
UTC announces launch of the Violence Reduction Initiative
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has officially announced the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative (VRI), a research center housed within the Department of Criminal Justice dedicated to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions to violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond.
College Quest: UTC to host event for high school students interested in health care, STEM and computer science careers
The College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Computer Science are teaming up to offer high school juniors and seniors—and their families—an immersive campus experience tailored to students interested in pursuing professional careers in health care, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and computer science. College Quest, taking place from 12:45 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18 (during Hamilton County Schools’ fall break), offers prospective students a unique opportunity to explore their specific academic and professional interests far beyond the traditional campus tour—including visits to lab spaces.
Research chronicles: UTC’s Biology, Geology and Environmental Science faculty land $1.8 million in external funding
A trio of research proposals led by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science (BGE) faculty members has secured over $1.8 million in external grant and contract awards, marking a successful summer for funding.
UTC launches dual-enrollment on-campus courses for area high school students
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has announced a new dual-enrollment initiative designed to provide local high school juniors and seniors with the opportunity to earn college credits while completing their high school education. Beginning with the start of the University’s 2024-2025 academic year, UTC is offering two on-campus dual-enrollment courses—English 1010 (Rhetoric and Composition 1) and Math 1130 (College Algebra)—to eligible students who have completed their sophomore year of high school while maintaining a 3.0 GPA.
UTC, ChattState sign environmental science MOU
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Chattanooga State Community College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Friday, June 21, creating a seamless pathway for ChattState students to transfer into UTC’s Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science program following the successful completion of their associate degree program.
UTC researcher part of international team awarded $1.5 million in funding to identify underwater Indigenous sites in Gulf of Mexico
Dr. Morgan Smith is one of five principal investigators on an international research team recently awarded $1,497,512 from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management for the project titled “Reevaluating BOEM’s Guidelines for Identifying Submerged Pre-Contact Archaeological Sites in the Gulf of Mexico: an Extensive Geoarchaeological Approach.”
Unlock your musical potential: Inside the success of UTC Music’s summer intensive conducting workshops
Taking place on the UTC campus during the weeks of June 10-14 and June 17-21, the UTC Summer Pedagogy and Conducting Institutes are for music educators and ensemble directors hoping to improve and refine their conducting and rehearsal techniques while learning from nationally and internationally recognized clinicians.
Partnership with Erlanger providing job shadowing experience for 76 UTC students
During the 2024 spring semester, a collaboration between the UTC pre-health advising program, Erlanger and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine – Chattanooga is providing a new opportunity for students to gain much-needed and hard-to-find job shadowing experience. From early February through late April, 76 UTC students spanning 11 majors are getting the opportunity to job shadow in the Erlanger Baroness Hospital Emergency Department, obtaining valuable experience watching emergency room doctors and other medical personnel in action.
Two solo acts: Music, Theatre to operate own departments
Thanks to programmatic innovations in both divisions, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Performing Arts is being dissolved and replaced with a pair of autonomous units. When students return to campus for the spring 2024 semester, they will come back to the Department of Theatre and the Department of Music.