When Iveta Radicova, former Prime Minister of Slovakia, first visited the United States in the ’90s, she caught a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from the window of the airplane. “Instead of holding a flame, she should be holding a credit card. Because the entrance to the rights and freedoms, and the standard of living we enjoy primarily relies on credits,” she said.
Former Prime Minister of Slovakia to speak
When foreign economies show signs of distress, US investors take note and the stock market becomes more volatile. During last year’s Greek financial crisis, Iveta Radicova’s voice was heard. Radicova, the former Prime Minister of Slovakia, will speak at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as part of the Decosimo Lecture Series on Global Business on Tuesday, November 5, from 9:25 – 10:40 a.m. in the Raccoon Mountain Room of the UTC University Center. Her presentation to economics students is free and open to the UTC community and to the public.