To honor the five servicemen who died during the terrorist attacks in Chattanooga on July 16, 2015, a special service was held Tuesday morning on UTC’s Chamberlain Field in the center of campus.
The ceremony included a reading of the names of the five, the playing of “Taps,” a moment of silence and comments from Maj. Kevin Beavers, head of UTC’s Department of Military Science, Navy Reserve Lt. Cmdr. PJ Remillard, Gregg Crawford from the Tennessee Department of Veteran Services, and UTC Chancellor Steven Angle.
The victims of the terrorist attacks were U.S. Navy Petty Officer Randall Smith and Marines Thomas Sullivan, Carson Holmquist, Squire “Skip” Wells and David Wyatt.
The attacks occurred at the Armed Services Recruiting Center on Lee Highway and the U.S. Naval Operational Support Center and Marine Corps Reserve on Amnicola Highway.