Students from UTC had the opportunity to immerse themselves fully into the life and world of Jane Austen by traveling abroad to England. The opportunity came thanks to Jayda Coons, assistant professor of English for the UTC Honors College, as part of her spring 2024 course titled Jane Austen’s World. For nine days in March, students visited several of Austen’s most famous whereabouts—including her homes in Chawton, Bath and London.
UTC Theatre Co. presents “Out at Sea” April 9-13
An absurdist tale of survival and democratic decision-making is coming to the Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre stage. The UTC Theatre Co. continues its 2023-2024 season with its production of Slawomir Mrozek’s “Out at Sea.” Performances will take place at 7:30 p.m. on April 9-13, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, April 13.
Court is in session: UTC alumnus, faculty member named Tennessee Court Clerk of the Year
UTC alum Gary D. Behler, an adjunct faculty member in Criminal Justice, was recently named the 2023 State Court Clerk of the Year by the County Officials Association of Tennessee.
Blue Ribbon luncheon recognizes UTC employees who have gone above and beyond
On Monday, Jan. 29, Chancellor’s Blue Ribbon Award recipients for the second half of 2023—Gassim Abazid (UTC Police Department), Stephanie Orr (Undergraduate Admissions), Shari Kappel (Administrative Specialist for Management, Gary W. Rollins College of Business), Brandalyn Shropshire (Undergraduate Admissions), Lili Reynolds (Registered Nurse, University Health Services) and Emma Sampson (MPH Program Manager, Health and Human Performance)—were recognized with a luncheon in the University Center.
UTC students win top roles in intercollegiate state legislature
Two students from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga won key positions at this year’s Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature. UTC criminal justice major Susanne Cooper was elected Speaker Pro Tem of the House, and graduate student Hunter Fowler, pursuing a Master of Public Administration degree, was appointed a Supreme Court justice.
How to move up the law enforcement ladder with a criminal justice degree
Crime doesn’t pay. But a criminal justice degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga can. Just ask Lt. Adam Emery with the Chattanooga Police Department. Born and raised in Harrison, Tennessee, Emery received a criminal justice degree from UTC in 2003.
Criminal justice students collaborate with University High to ‘pour for a purpose’
On Friday, Nov. 10, students in the UTC Criminal Justice program and University High juniors came together for a day-long collaboration called “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a pour-painting project and community gallery event at the UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center.
Difference maker: Dylan Rivera’s path to public service brought him through UTC
Dylan Rivera, a 2020 graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is the director of policy planning and implementation for the city of Chattanooga. His work directly influences Chattanooga’s minority neighborhoods by bridging the disparities in generational health, safety and prosperity.
UTC criminal justice students to host “Pouring for Purpose” community event
Students from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Criminal Justice program and University High students will soon collaborate for a pour-painting project and community gallery event. On Friday, Nov. 10, the college and high school students will come together to launch “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a gallery and partner-building event taking place from 1-3 p.m. at the UTC Challenger Center.
Student learns crime and punishment (and self care) through UTC internships
Thanks to several internship opportunities, senior Faith Burkhardt—a double major in criminal justice and social work—has gained real-world experience during her time at UTC.