UTC’s David Ross has been called to cases including murders, assaults and bank robberies. As they did in the Williams case, he and his team look at procedures used in the investigation and the evidence they produced.
Abused to Homeless to College Graduate: Melinda Harbin thrives at UTC
Melinda Harbin was 14-years-old when she first visited the UTC campus and told herself she was going to be a college graduate one day. Nearly 30 years later, her dream came true. Before achieving a degree in psychology, she endured a harrowing journey.
UTC professor wins prestigious award from Chattanooga Bar Association
UTC’s Dr. David Ross is the 2017 recipient of the Liberty Bell Award for public service.
Two Sisters, One Mom, One School: Family creating a ‘legacy’ at UTC
Two sisters, born 17 months apart, are both graduating Saturday. By earning a UTC diploma, they’re following something of a family tradition since their mother graduated from here in 1990.
Nursing the Nurses: Study hopes to reduce risk of injuries to nurses
Worker injuries cost the healthcare industry about $20 billion a year. Preventing injuries of all kinds is the goal of a study Dr. Chris Cunningham has started through the Department of Psychology and in collaboration with the safetyCures group of the Chattanooga Regional Health Innovation Coalition.
UTC elephant psychology expert Dr. Preston Foerder quoted on NBC News
UTC’s own resident elephant psychology expert, Dr. Preston Foerder, was recently quoted on NBC News regarding elephants’ unusual sleep patterns.
Departments on the move
Keep calm and consult a map; this Spring, certain departments will be moving to new locations.
Faculty honored with prestigious professorships
UTC awards the Guerry Professorships, the Chattanooga Manufacturer’s Association Professorship in Engineering, and the LeRoy Martin Professorship in Religious Studies.
Graduate student conducts jury research
Any fan of TV’s many legal dramas knows that a trial before a jury of your peers is a hallmark of the American justice system. But television does not always accurately reflect reality. Brandy Hemmer, a psychology graduate student, found that jury pools in Hamilton County, Tennessee, do not represent the community when compared to…
Graduate research examines jury pools; football injuries
Brandy Hemmer, a psychology research graduate student, found that jury pools in Hamilton County, Tennessee, do not represent the community when compared to US Census data. Hemmer will present her research in May at the 22nd annual Association of Psychological Science conference in Boston. Hemmer submitted her paper to the American Psychological Society and was…