Twelve Chattanooga residents, ranging in age from their 70s to 98 years old, agreed to have their life memories—good and bad—transformed into dramatic monologues for “Unmasking: Elders Speak.” The production is helmed by Dr. Peggy Douglas, adjunct professor of economics in the Gary W. Rollins College of Business at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and Dr. Anne Swedberg, associate professor of theater at UTC.
SMILE Fund team advances into Americas region finals
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga SMILE Fund (Student Managed Investment Learning Experience) team of senior Jacob Barber and juniors Grant Fetters, Claire Hoeke and Nick Morris has advanced to the Americas Region Finals in the worldwide Chartered Financial Analyst Institute Research Challenge.
Claudia Williamson Kramer: The economic way of thinking
Dr. Claudia Williamson Kramer describes her view of economics as “a way of thinking, but also descriptive of human behavior. So, another way of thinking about economics is as the study of human action, and when we think of it that way, it sounds much more like a social science. And it is.”
SMILE Fund zooms into regional semifinals
The UTC SMILE Fund team of senior Jacob Barber and juniors Grant Fetters, Claire Hoeke and Nick Morris has advanced to the regional semifinal round in the global CFA Institute Research Challenge.
Williamson is the fourth person and first woman appointed to Chair in its 43-year history
Claudia Williamson understands that people might consider her a trailblazer, but she has never seen herself that way. But as the first woman named Scott L. Probasco Jr. Distinguished Chair of Free Enterprise in the chair’s history, there is a bit of blaze in her trail. She also is the only fourth person awarded the…