Held as part of National Engineers Week, the E-Week Open House—taking place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 22 in the UTC Engineering and Computer Science Building—is designed to introduce visitors of all ages to the exciting fields of engineering and computer science. Attendees will experience hands-on demonstrations and interactive projects while meeting local industry leaders and UTC students, faculty and staff.
Brewing science: How coffee fueled a UTC chemical engineering student’s “grounds”-breaking research
Katelyn Hamilton, a junior chemical engineering major at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has transformed a high school coffee shop job into the cornerstone of her academic and career goals.
UTC Research Institute announces Convergent Research Initiative awardees
Dr. Murat Barisik and Dr. Vahid Disfani were principal investigators on grants landing Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (CEACSE) Convergent Research Initiative awards.
College Quest: UTC to host event for high school students interested in health care, STEM and computer science careers
The College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Computer Science are teaming up to offer high school juniors and seniors—and their families—an immersive campus experience tailored to students interested in pursuing professional careers in health care, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and computer science. College Quest, taking place from 12:45 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 18 (during Hamilton County Schools’ fall break), offers prospective students a unique opportunity to explore their specific academic and professional interests far beyond the traditional campus tour—including visits to lab spaces.
Collaboration involving UTC chemical engineering students and area high schoolers wins ‘Grand Challenge’ funding to expand approach
Fifty Brainerd High School students showed Dr. Bradley Harris the power of “problem-based learning” (PBL) and are the inspiration behind a winning proposal for a UT System “Grand Challenges” grant. Harris, associate professor and head of the UTC Department of Chemical Engineering, is principal investigator for the proposal titled “Thermal runaway in EV batteries: A transformational PBL unit for high school chemistry.” Dr. Stephanie Philipp, assistant professor of education and director of the UTC STEM Education Program, is co-principal investigator.
Research chronicles: UTC’s Biology, Geology and Environmental Science faculty land $1.8 million in external funding
A trio of research proposals led by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science (BGE) faculty members has secured over $1.8 million in external grant and contract awards, marking a successful summer for funding.
NSF funding award to help prepare advanced manufacturing workforce
A historic partnership for the state of Tennessee and the nation is being launched with an $800,000 funding award from the National Science Foundation. EXPAND TN (Experiential Learning in Advanced Manufacturing towards Novel and Diverse Career Opportunities for Rural Tennessee Students) was successfully proposed by Dr. Bradley Harris, director of the Chemical Engineering program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
UTC supports successful proposal for Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant
A $50-million federal funding award to support Chattanooga Housing Authority’s Westside Transformation Plan includes a commitment of education and other resources to be provided by the UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science..
UTC receives College of Distinction designation from national organization
Colleges of Distinction, an organization that honors higher education institutions that excel in delivering exceptional student experiences and producing successful outcomes, has recognized the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in eight different award categories for the institution’s commitment to helping undergraduate students learn, grow and succeed.
College of Engineering outreach presents opportunities to Brainerd students
As part of a collaboration between Brainerd High School chemistry students and UTC engineering students and faculty, the high schoolers were exposed to real-world safety experiments shaped by world-class research from UL Research Institutes. From the start of the spring semester, chemistry teacher Ethan Schubert brought UTC faculty into his classroom and took his classroom to UTC, where his students worked with UL Research Institutes’ Xplorlabs resources.