Engineering and art — not always the first two subjects that come to mind when thinking about collaborations.
University celebrates commencement on May 2
Approximately 1,200 graduates will walk across the stage at UTC’s commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 2, in McKenzie Arena. Graduates from the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering and Computer Science will graduate at 9:00 a.m. Graduates from the College of Business and the College of Health, Education, and Professional Studies…
National scholarship awarded to UTC engineering student
Nicholas True, a mechanical engineering student at The University of Tennessee Chattanooga, has been awarded a $10,000 national scholarship by the American Council of Engineering Companies in Washington, D.C. His selection was based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, a written essay, and collegiate recommendations. Earlier in 2014, True was one of two students to be…
UTC celebrates commencement
UTC held commencement ceremonies for more than 1,100 graduates on May 3.
College of Engineering and Computer Science showcases student projects
The Third Annual College of Engineering and Computer Science Design Project Poster Showcase featured Freshman and Senior student solutions to Assistive Technology needs in the region. Students at the Junior/Senior level entered their design projects into regional competitions for Mechanical and Civil engineering societies. UTC Engineering students float concrete canoe Device assists blind child with…