A UTC ROTC training exercise recently took place in the paintball arena, with 30 cadets participating in the program.
Hiking for beginners incorporates basic survival skills
Beginning Hiking and Backpacking is a new Health and Human Performance class debuting in the spring 2023 semester and taught by Dr. Sarah Canatsey, an instructional developer for the Gary W. Rollins College of Business.
UTC’s GIS department is mapping the city’s future
Described by insiders as a hidden gem, the UTC Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab was created in 1995 to provide learning opportunities for students pursuing careers in Geographic Information Systems. In layman’s terms, GIS marries data to maps to help understand the world in new ways.
ChattState UTC Connect: New dual admission agreement allows for seamless transition
On Tuesday, March 21, a dual admission agreement between UTC and Chattanooga State Community College was formalized. The Chatt State UTC Connect agreement reiterates a commitment to ensure a smooth transfer of Chattanooga State students to UTC to complete their bachelor’s degree programs.
Brainwaves: Where mental health and marathons intersect
As racers ran the grueling 26.2 miles around scenic downtown Chattanooga during the first weekend in March, researchers were peering into their minds and broadcasting the runners’ mental states live for anyone to see. No, this isn’t the plot of the latest episode of Black Mirror. This all took place at the Erlanger Chattanooga marathon.
Beating hearts: Lightfoot, Howard Baptiste spread the word about heart health
With February being American Heart Month, Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Engagement Stacy Lightfoot and Vice Provost for Academic Outreach Shewanee Howard-Baptiste have been spreading the word on behalf of the American Hearth Association to increase awareness of heart and cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it.
Throwing her weights around: Olivia Reeves taking a shot at the Olympics
A chance for UTC exercise science major Olivia Reeves to be in the 2024 Olympics looms Monday, Dec. 12, when she competes in the 2022 International Weightlifting Federation World Championships, held in Bogota, Columbia.
UTC professor receives grant to study state’s public health information-delivery system
Dr. Amir Alakaam, associate professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance at UTC and director of its Master of Public Health program, recently received a $332,500 grant from the Tennessee Department of Public Health.
Sibling rivalry: Sister and brother have pushed each other to excellence
Sherreda Peggs knew just what she had to do after her brother, Cinque, announced he was the salutatorian at their high school: She had to be valedictorian. Their sibling rivalry continues today at UTC, where Cinque is a senior and Sherreda a junior.
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to increase cooperation and promote collaboration in areas of mutual interest.