Third-year UTC DPT students Lauren Clark, Jaimin Rasmussen, Candace Ricketts and Rebecca Sullivan—all set to graduate in May—defeated student teams from some of the nation’s top-ranked DPT programs in winning the APTA Combined Sections Meeting Knowledge Bowl in Houston.
Paws in motion: UTC’s David Levine is researching and revolutionizing animal rehabilitation
Dr. David Levine is a professor and the Walter M. Cline Chair of Excellence in Physical Therapy at UTC, an adjunct professor at UT College of Veterinary Medicine and works closely with UTCVM’s Small Animal Physical Rehabilitation and the Equine Performance and Rehabilitation Center. Animal physical therapy research, he explains, focuses on investigating therapeutic techniques and modalities aimed at improving the physical health and well-being of animals.
UTC/Erlanger collaboration brings acute care PT residency to life
The newly created Erlanger Acute Care Physical Therapy Residency involves licensed physical therapist residents serving as clinical instructors for UTC physical therapy students during clinical rotations and assisting with teaching didactic coursework in the University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program—with an emphasis on acute care. The residency curriculum, developed collaboratively by Erlanger clinicians and UTC faculty, includes both live patient care and didactic instruction.
From field to future: UTC students learn real-world lessons from NFL player’s cardiac emergency
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is using real-life experiences to prepare its students for their future careers. A near NFL tragedy that unfolded during a national TV broadcast has been turned into a learning experience to educate and inspire the next generation of UTC health care workers, dietitians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, occupational therapists…
UTC’s Derek Liuzzo named 2024 Emerging Educator by national organization
Dr. Derek Liuzzo, assistant professor and assistant program director of the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, has been named the 2024 recipient of the Emerging Educator Award by the American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT).
UTC receives College of Distinction designation from national organization
Colleges of Distinction, an organization that honors higher education institutions that excel in delivering exceptional student experiences and producing successful outcomes, has recognized the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in eight different award categories for the institution’s commitment to helping undergraduate students learn, grow and succeed.
Driving innovation: UTC marketing students help propel faculty research into the real world
At the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, business students are gaining hands-on experience while helping faculty move their research into the marketplace. The UTC Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship launched these roles to give students practical experience while bolstering UTC faculty research and commercialization efforts.
Gaining on pain: UTC physical therapy professor researches treatment for lower back pain
UTC Department of Physical Therapy Assistant Professor Max Jordon is an expert in treating lower back pain. Along with his teaching duties, spends four hours a week in the Pro Bono Physical Therapy clinic offered by University Health Services.
Retired UTC criminal justice professor still steering others down life’s highways
Tired of cracking up test cars for General Motors, Dr. Roger Thompson spent 36 years as a full-time criminal justice professor at UTC. Before retiring, however, he began working with Haman’s New Drivers to teach student drivers and rehabilitate others behind the wheel—and now works with teenagers, those with special needs and immigrants whose home countries require driving on the left side of the road.
The heat is gone: Energy efficient window covering wins Fly for Researchers pitch competition
Dr. Sungwoo Yang, assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering, won the second annual Fly for Researchers Pitch Competition. By winning, he will receive $20,000 to apply to research on what he calls Aerogel 2.0—“the next generation of aerogel.”