When foreign economies show signs of distress, US investors take note and the stock market becomes more volatile. During last year’s Greek financial crisis, Iveta Radicova’s voice was heard. Radicova, the former Prime Minister of Slovakia, will speak at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as part of the Decosimo Lecture Series on Global Business on Tuesday, November 5, from 9:25 – 10:40 a.m. in the Raccoon Mountain Room of the UTC University Center. Her presentation to economics students is free and open to the UTC community and to the public.
SouthEast Bank awards scholarships to UTC students
SouthEast Bank and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga announce that five students have been selected to receive the SouthEast Bank Scholar award for the 2013-2014 academic year. This scholarship will provide Olivia Simmons, Jennifer Lopez, Kelsey Stansell, Danielle Ducheny, and Joshua Seaton with $5,000 annually to offset the cost of tuition and assist in accomplishing academic and personal goals.
UTC hosts Annual Symposium on the 19th Century Civil War Press
The UTC Annual Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression is designed to share current research and to develop a series of monographs on the 19th century press, the Civil War and the press, and 19th century concepts of free expression.
Alumnus and editor of the Los Angeles Times speaks on campus
Beyond bearing the responsibility of writing an ethical story, journalists must “make our readers care,” said Davan Maharaj, editor of the Los Angeles Times and UTC alumnus.
UTC and IBM help students develop job skills for the future
A new collaboration between The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and IBM will give students an array of marketable skills in data analytics, one of the fastest growing sectors in the national and regional economy. Smart technologies, cloud computing, mobile platforms, social media and other new generation technologies are fueling the revolution of big data.
Nursing Students take part in health fair for the homeless
In coordination with the Chattanooga Community Kitchen (CCK) and with the support of the “Get Healthy Project” grant from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), more than 80 UTC nursing students and faculty members recently provided a health fair for the city’s homeless community.
Student composer hits successful note
Ethan McGrath listened to the choirs of St. Paul’s, Good Shepherd, and St. Timothy’s Episcopal churches in Chattanooga at their Choral Evensong event last May, not as an observer, but as the composer of the premiere of a liturgical work the three churches commissioned him to write.
UTC Department of Social Work influences social work education policy
Social Work faculty at UTC may be few, but they are mighty. Dr. Michael Sherr, the Department Head and commissioner on the Council on Social Work Education, is responsible for policy curriculum instruction for the country. Associate Professor Dr. Amy Doolittle has been appointed chairperson for the Tennessee Social Work Education Association (TSWEA), a group dedicated to uniting social work educators across Tennessee with the goal of providing quality education across the state.
UTC TV Studio open house features special guest
Davan Maharaj, UTC graduate and editor of the Los Angeles Times, will be the special guest at an open house for the University’s newly renovated TV Studio on Thursday, October 17.
Educations majors’ imaginations lift off with NASA demonstration
Dr. Susan Currie marveled at the perfect conditions on Challenger Field. It was a beautiful, sunny day in late September with no wind, a great day for a special project. As the Education Specialist from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center explained how to assemble and launch small rockets to a group of UTC education majors, senior Rebecca Gifford was thinking about all the ways a child could learn from this project.