Fall semester is just a few short months away. Summer orientation sessions will prepare incoming students for academic success and familiarize them with campus resources and traditions. See how students should prepare for their orientation sessions, maps, and the full schedule of sessions here. Those who have registered for fall semester 2013 must pay fees…
Ainsworth named UTC Provost
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chancellor-elect Dr. Steven Angle and Interim Chancellor Dr. Grady Bogue announce the appointment of Dr. Jerald Ainsworth as Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the campus. Dr. Ainsworth currently serves UTC as a Dean of the Graduate School.
Mathematics Department hosts sixth poster competition
More than 130 students from local middle and high schools submitted 90 posters to UTC Mathematics Department’s sixth annual Poster Competition.
Graduate student wins Ms. Wheelchair Tennessee 2013
Bliss Welch grew up playing soccer and climbing trees, but when she had difficulty climbing the stairs of her family home at 17-years-old, she knew her life was about to change. Her diagnosis of muscular dystrophy didn’t stop her.
First place AP award won by Communication major
Brian Bass, UTC Communication Department student and major, won a prestigious Associated Press Broadcaster’s first place award for Best Sports Coverage.
Educational Opportunity Center assisted May graduate
After Melissa Mitchell graduated from Marion County High School, she knew she had the potential for a four-year academic degree. A meeting with Cathy Brown of the Educational Opportunity Center motivated her to enroll at UTC.
Top ten finish for UTC at SAE International event
A spectacular finish in company with Cornell, University of Michigan, and Rochester Institute of Technology.
Faculty earn first ThinkAchieve Awards
ThinkAchieve supports faculty members in enhancing teaching and learning at UTC through professional development opportunities, grants, and awards.
Campus faculty awards bestowed
Several UTC faculty members were honored for their work at the University.
University appreciates faculty
They teach. They mentor. They grade papers. On UTC Faculty Appreciation Day we celebrated all that our faculty does for our students, alumni, and university!