An absurdist tale of survival and democratic decision-making is coming to the Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre stage. The UTC Theatre Co. continues its 2023-2024 season with its production of Slawomir Mrozek’s “Out at Sea.” Performances will take place at 7:30 p.m. on April 9-13, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, April 13.
UTC’s annual BFA senior thesis exhibition set for March 26-April 20
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Art, in partnership with the Institute of Contemporary Art, will host the 2024 Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Thesis Exhibition from March 26-April 20. The exhibition will take place in the ICA Galleries in the UTC Fine Arts Center.
UTC College of Arts and Sciences presents 3rd annual Spotlight on Faculty Excellence
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga College of Arts and Sciences and the CAS Access and Inclusive Excellence Committee will host the annual CAS Spotlight on Faculty Excellence at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the University Center Auditorium. This year’s honoree is Dr. Jose M. Barbosa, a professor in the Department of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science.
Grant writing done right: ORSP helping faculty and staff fund research
Behind the scenes of UTC faculty research sits the backbone of the operation: the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Faculty rely on grants and sponsorships to fund almost every project. Sometimes, rules and regulations within the applications and awards are hard to see or understand. That is where the staff of the ORSP come in.
Chattanooga sets the pace for connected mobility and enhanced safety with $2M USDOT SMART grant
Pedestrian safety in Chattanooga is set to advance significantly thanks to a $2 million Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Earlier this month, officials from the City of Chattanooga and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga were notified that they are among the 34 recipients of a SMART “Planning and Prototyping Grant” from a pool of 321 applicants nationwide.
Connecting futures: UTC takes the Power C Tour to ChattState
On Tuesday, March 19, UTC spent the day at ChattState as part of the Power C Tour—an effort to connect prospective students with UTC and show them what the University has to offer.
MOCS Innovate! mini-grants take faculty inventions one step closer to commercialization
Four faculty projects are recipients of the MOCS Innovate! award, a $5,000 grant from a seed fund established by Dr. Thomas Lyons, the Clarence E. Harris Chair of Excellence in Entrepreneurship in the Gary W. Rollins College of Business, and Jennifer Skjellum, the commercialization counselor from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research.
Networking for success: UTC connects University High students with Chattanooga professionals
On March 7, University High students talked with mentors from various Chattanooga-area employers as part of the inaugural University High Speed Mentoring Night.
ROAD MAP to health care for rural seniors
Older adults living in rural Tennessee counties are at a higher risk for developing chronic diseases, cognitive disorders and poor health outcomes due to a lack of access to health care, continuity of treatment and resources. A grant awarded to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga School of Nursing aims to mitigate those risks by delivering health care and social services professionals to rural communities.
UTC engineering group participates in “Read Across America Week” event at Orchard Knob Elementary
Four members of the UTC College of Engineering and Computer Science—Dr. Murat Barisik, Dr. Sandra Affare and graduate research assistants Ege Can Ek and Atal Bhowmik from the Mechanical Engineering Department’s Nano-Engineering Research Group—visited Orchard Knob Elementary School on Friday, March 8, as part of “Read Across America Week.” The four read “Horton Hears a Who!” and participated in interactive activities and demonstrations to explore size and scale with the K-5 students.