UTC is hosting a UT systemwide training to promote a greater understanding of recovery issues and reduce the stigma associated with help-seeking.
Using her voice to share a ‘journey to recovery’
Cassandra Riddle has been an international opera singer, a rock climber, a teacher and a gym owner. She also knows about recovery firsthand from alcohol misuse.
Tai chi class part of UTC Employee Wellness program
Stress relief, body flexibility and improved overall health
New Mocs Recovery Program launches to support students
The Mocs Recovery Program is a supportive environment of like-minded individuals who wish to maintain a sense of wellbeing while at UTC.
October = Exercise is Medicine On Campus Month
Exercise doesn’t have to mean sweating your brains out.
New counselor building relationships across campus
“One of our goals for the Counseling Center has been to increase the number of outreach presentations to marginalized communities,” Keilan Rickard, director of the UTC Counseling Center said.