Local organizations at the event included Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs of Chattanooga, CONTACT of Southeast Tennessee, and McKamey Animal Center.
David Blackburn introduced as Vice Chancellor & Director of Athletics
Hundreds of members of the University community came out to meet, greet and hear from the new leader of UTC Athletics.
Top ten finish for UTC at SAE International event
A spectacular finish in company with Cornell, University of Michigan, and Rochester Institute of Technology.
Faculty earn first ThinkAchieve Awards
ThinkAchieve supports faculty members in enhancing teaching and learning at UTC through professional development opportunities, grants, and awards.
UTC professor named one of 50 national ACE Fellows
Dr. Stuart Benkert, Director of Bands and Professor of Music at UTC, has been named to a prestigious American Council on Education (ACE) Fellowship for academic year 2013-14.
Donations reach $140,000 for WUTC
WUTC FM-88.1 reached its spring membership drive and netted $140,000 dollars towards funding the radio station’s programming costs. The public radio station licensed to The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is the region’s source for programming from National Public Radio, including awarding winning programs like “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered.”
David Blackburn announced as new athletic director
Blackburn most recently served as the Senior Associate Athletics Director for Administration at the University of Tennessee where he was member of the Volunteers’ executive staff.
New leaders elected to UTC SGA
The newly elected SGA officers for 2012-2013 are: President Robert Fisher, Vice President Steven Palmer, and Treasurer Brandon Harden.
Campus faculty awards bestowed
Several UTC faculty members were honored for their work at the University.
University appreciates faculty
They teach. They mentor. They grade papers. On UTC Faculty Appreciation Day we celebrated all that our faculty does for our students, alumni, and university!