Chattanooga Spirit Teams received several honors while they attended cheer camp at The University of Alabama.
UTC Bass Anglers on television this weekend
A television broadcast this weekend will show the UTC Bass Anglers fourth place finish last April in the Southern Collegiate Bass Fishing Series Championship. The Bass Anglers beat teams from Virginia Tech, University of Georgia, Clemson and UT Knoxville.
AGC continues support of Construction Management
Associated General Contractors (AGC) of East Tennessee is providing continued support to the UTC Construction Management program with a $50,000 grant, part of a three-year $150,000 commitment. AGC is very pleased with enrollment of the program; there are 43 students currently registered for fall 2009 and there are 63 students enrolled in the program, according…
Mortar Board chapter receives national award
One of just 32 chapters to be honored for excellence with the Golden Torch Award at the Mortar Board National Conference held in July, the UTC Quadrangle Chapter achieved this national recognition based on devotion to the honor society’s three key ideals of scholarship, leadership and service.
New faculty, promotions, tenure announced
New faculty, promotions and tenure for 2009-10 have been announced by the Provost’s Office
Phase I of Aquatic and Recreation Center open for business
An exciting new wellness facility on The University of Tennessee Chattanooga’s campus will offer students, faculty, staff and alumni a variety of ways to engage in daily exercise.
Nigerian delegation visits campus
Twenty-two Akwa Ibom state legislators from Nigeria participated in a Legislative Workshop at the University, sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences. The UTC Department of Political Science and Public Administration hosted the event and provided speakers.
Environmental justice leader to speak in Hunter Lecture Series
Activist and environmental leader, Majora Carter, will be the next speaker in the 2009 George T. Hunter Lecture Series on September 15 at UTC. Carter is a leader in the environmental justice and green‐collar job movements.
University, Unum partner with Girls Inc. of Chattanooga
Dr. Claire McCullough challenged a group of students in Girls Incorporated of Chattanooga to consider what life would be like without cell phones, television, x-ray machines, microwave ovens, computers, jumbo jets and video games. The professor was really asking what life would be like without the influence of Engineering or Computer Science.
Chamber Singers offer new CD of Roland Carter’s music
A new UTC Chamber Singers compact disc featuring arrangements by UTC music professor Roland Carter is raising money for the group’s upcoming international tour. In Bright Mansions Above: The Choral Music of Roland M. Carter, Volume I, by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Chamber Singers, J. Kevin Ford, director, is available at the UTC…