Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt has spearheaded the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative, a UTC research center designed to address violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond. Housed within UTC’s Criminal Justice department, the VRI represents a bold commitment to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions.
UTC announces launch of the Violence Reduction Initiative
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has officially announced the creation of the Violence Reduction Initiative (VRI), a research center housed within the Department of Criminal Justice dedicated to bridging the gap between academic research and real-world solutions to violent crime in Chattanooga and beyond.
The people of UTC: Get to know Sean O’Brien
Sean O’Brien was officially sworn in as the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga police chief this past May. As associate vice chancellor for public safety and chief of police, he is tasked with keeping everyone on campus safe.
Training exercise prepares UTC Police and local emergency response teams
On Wednesday, July 31, emergency responders and volunteers from UTC, the city of Chattanooga and Hamilton County came to campus for an emergency training exercise. Hosted by the UTC Department of Public Safety, the exercise simulated an armed intruder scenario in Lupton Hall, allowing participants to practice their response procedures.
CSI Chattanooga: Criminal justice internships prepare UTC students for careers
If you’re a criminal justice student at UTC, internships aren’t just resume fillers—they are real-world adventures in the field of your choice.
Sean O’Brien sworn in as UTC police chief
Sean O’Brien, a decorated police officer with 24 years of law enforcement experience, was sworn in as UTC associate vice chancellor for public safety and chief of police on Friday, May 10.
A Mocs mock crime scene: McCallie School students unravel a mystery at UTC
UC Foundation Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Rick Dierenfeldt, a former police officer and criminal investigator, helped facilitate a crime scene investigator (CSI) forensic experience for a group of McCallie School students.
How to move up the law enforcement ladder with a criminal justice degree
Crime doesn’t pay. But a criminal justice degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga can. Just ask Lt. Adam Emery with the Chattanooga Police Department. Born and raised in Harrison, Tennessee, Emery received a criminal justice degree from UTC in 2003.
UTC professor, students helping Chattanooga Police decrease gun crimes
The Chattanooga Police Department began tracking gun crimes closely after violence skyrocketed in 2016. But a data-crunching partnership with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga created four years later shows marked decreases in gun-related crimes and could be preventing future crimes by taking guns off the street.
Any drug from anybody accepted in disposal box at police station
A disposal box at the UTC police station gives people a chance to anonymously throw away unused or out-of-date prescriptions for both humans and pets.