UTC’s new Master of Science in Engineering Management-Concentration in Power is geared for technical professionals looking to advance their careers who are working in the power and utilities industry or those interested in moving into the field. The program is scheduled to begin in fall 2024 and is currently recruiting students.
Engineering a culture of collaboration and innovation
“The College of Engineering and Computer Science is currently experiencing an exciting and challenging phase,” said Dr. Ahad Nasab. “There’s strong momentum in the college’s research areas of machine learning, quantum computing, hypersonic flights, smart power grids, transportation logistics and intelligent robotics. We also remain steadfast in our commitment to preparing the next generation of skilled professionals to meet the evolving demands of the industry in the Southeast region of the country.”
UTC mechatronics majors engineering the future
From fast food to surgery to manufacturing, technology is revolutionizing industries around the world through automation, robotics and smart systems. And mechatronics is at the forefront, equipping the next generation of engineers with the skills to design, build and maintain the systems driving this global transformation.
UTC unveils autonomous vehicle for smarter, safer urban mobility
Researchers at the University of Tennessee of Chattanooga are driving faster—and more safely—into the future of mobility with the recent arrival of the University’s first autonomous vehicle.
From social worker to IT professional in less than a year at UTC
Mischka Scott, who graduated from the UTC BAS-IT CyS degree program in December 2023, now works as a system administrator at PlayCore in Chattanooga.
Love of the outdoors leads UTC alum to top job at outdoor nonprofit
Eliot Berz, executive director of the Tennessee River Gorge Trust, earned his master’s in environmental science at UTC in 2021. Founded in 1981, the Trust works to protect more than 17,000 acres in the River Gorge, which was carved through the Cumberland Mountains by the Tennessee River.
Alum’s company and UTC joint research project receive grant from Oak Ridge National Laboratory
To say that injection molding is common in the world of manufacturing is underselling it. Injection molding is everywhere in manufacturing. Research now taking place at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is intended to reduce cost by 90% and reduce the time to finish the molds to about two weeks, enhancing U.S. manufacturing competitiveness.
A Mocs mock crime scene: McCallie School students unravel a mystery at UTC
UC Foundation Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Rick Dierenfeldt, a former police officer and criminal investigator, helped facilitate a crime scene investigator (CSI) forensic experience for a group of McCallie School students.
Creating a pathway to decarbonization: UTC civil engineering professor working on efficient, economical ways to reduce greenhouse gases
Dr. Ignatius Fomunung has been working with a group of industry experts to inform and advise on ways to improve the Tennessee Valley. Think of tech innovation, smart cars and lower emissions, energy delivery and environmental stewardship.
UTC helps vet transition from the military to a civilian career in IT
Noah Syler, who graduated from the UTC BAS-IT CyS degree program in December 2023, will start working as a systems programmer at EPB in 2024.