Nyssa Hunt answered questions about her role and how the IGTLab can be a helpful resource for students and the Chattanooga community as a whole.
Putting UTC on the map for GIS Day
UTC hosted GIS Day on Wednesday, Nov. 20, a worldwide day of celebration of the impactful work of GIS professionals and an opportunity to inspire future innovators. The day began with a cartography workshop hosted by the IGTLab. GIS Director Charlie Mix shared with students, faculty and community members the different types of maps and data classifications—as well as how to create effective maps to tell stories with data.
Alum Sunny Fleming maps out a plan for a career in GIS
UTC’s Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technologies Lab hosted for GIS Day, a workshop for users of GIS technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in society. The event featured special guest Sunny Fleming—a UTC alum and environment lead at Esri.
Planting data points: Use of technology stokes ecology lab research
In late September, Associate Lecturer Monica Miles brought two Ecology Laboratory 3070 classes to Reflection Riding to help map the nature center’s invasive species removal efforts—one lab section focused on winter honeysuckle, the other on Oriental bittersweet.
UTC GIS team maps its way to two awards
UTC GIS Director Charlie Mix won a Cartography Special Interest Group Excellence Award for “A 21st Century Park System for Chattanooga, Tennessee” at the 2023 Esri User Conference—one of two awards won by the UTC IGTLab.
UTC’s GIS department is mapping the city’s future
Described by insiders as a hidden gem, the UTC Interdisciplinary Geospatial Technology Lab was created in 1995 to provide learning opportunities for students pursuing careers in Geographic Information Systems. In layman’s terms, GIS marries data to maps to help understand the world in new ways.
UTC collaboration places second in international map gallery competition
“People, Planet, & Profits: The triple bottom line of outdoor recreation, conservation, and public health for the Chattanooga, Tennessee region” placed second in the “Spatial Analysis using ArcGIS StoryMaps” category at the 2022 Esri User Conference Map Gallery.
Keep an Eye Out: UTC researcher is looking for geckos
Nyssa Hunt has seen geckos in Chattanooga and is intrigued by how the warm-weather lizards survive our winters and whether they’re having a significant impact on the local ecosystem.