UTC Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Katelyn Hancock has been named the recipient of the Ken Peak Innovations in Teaching Award by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). The Ken Peak Innovations in Teaching Award recognizes faculty members for innovative and effective teaching methods that enhance learning experiences and have the potential to be replicated by other educators.
Coloring outside the lines: UTC criminal justice students blend art, ethics and community service
This fall, students in Dr. Katelyn Hancock’s “Ethics in Criminal Justice” course are confronting complex ethical issues in policing, courts and corrections through the lens of art. The project, titled “Pouring for Purpose,” invites students to create abstract paintings that explore ethical dilemmas and potential solutions within the justice system.
Criminal justice students collaborate with University High to ‘pour for a purpose’
On Friday, Nov. 10, students in the UTC Criminal Justice program and University High juniors came together for a day-long collaboration called “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a pour-painting project and community gallery event at the UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center.
UTC criminal justice students to host “Pouring for Purpose” community event
Students from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Criminal Justice program and University High students will soon collaborate for a pour-painting project and community gallery event. On Friday, Nov. 10, the college and high school students will come together to launch “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a gallery and partner-building event taking place from 1-3 p.m. at the UTC Challenger Center.