On a recent Friday morning, two robot dogs—Spot and Goddard—roamed across the Chamberlain Field grass as UTC Associate Professor of Mechatronics Gokhan Erdemir and two student researchers captured movement data. Their goal? Refining an artificial intelligence-driven control system to make the robots’ motions more closely resemble those of real dogs.
Unusual instrument played during UTC Percussion Ensemble’s Beat Hunger concert
Ever heard of crotales? No? Well, members of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Percussion Ensemble know what they are. Crotales are small, disc-shaped cymbals, each tuned to a different note, and their origins may date back to ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. During the Beat Hunger concert on Nov. 20 at UTC, three members of the Percussion Ensemble played the instruments for a piece titled “Shui.”
‘Beat Hunger’ concert partners with Scrappy’s Cupboard food bank
The UTC Percussion Ensemble annually hosts a concert/food drive on the Monday before Thanksgiving. This year’s Beat Hunger concert, taking place at 7:30 p.m. on Monday (Nov. 20) in the Fine Arts Center’s Roland Hayes Concert Hall, is partnering with Scrappy’s Cupboard to raise food for students on campus. Admission to the concert is two cans of non-perishable food items or any other donation to Scrappy’s Cupboard.