New partnership creates Certified Nursing Assistant training program to fill need for frontline health care workers.
Chief of Staff Terry Denniston retiring after more than 34 years at UTC
Terry Denniston arrived at UTC in 1986 and has spent 34 years working at the university.
Helping jobseekers get back on their feet
The Center for Professional Education at UTC partners withthe Southeast Tennessee Local Workforce Development Board.
UTC counselor creates first-ever statewide counselors’ conference
Keilan Rickard, director of the UTC Counseling Center, comes up idea for Zoom conference.
Student Support Services can help ease fear and stress
Advice, assistance or just a friendly ear.
Military alum working with student veterans
A veteran himself, Chris Akridge knows what they go through when they come home.
CPE changes its delivery but not its focus during pandemic
CPE focuses on programs that reach out to the Chattanooga community.
Symposium discusses positive, negatives of 19th century journalism
28th annual Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War and Free Expression set for Nov. 12-14.
Going online will not affect quality of Dialogues
ReSEARCH Dialogues will run April 12-15, 2021, during the first-ever UTC Research and Creative Activities Week.
Maj. Kevin Beavers: Serving with honor and distinction
A virtual observation of Veterans Day will feature several University-produced videos along with a compilation of submitted clips from well-wishers thanking military veterans. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga video production team has created a multi-pronged tribute to honor and show appreciation for those who have served in the United States military. The video…