If You Go What: A Doll’s House, Part 2 When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Oct. 2-6; 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 Where: Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre in the UTC Fine Arts Center. Tickets: $10 for students with UTC ID; $12 general public; go to https://bit.ly/2DCMVJU, call (423) 425-4269 or buy them at the UTC Fine Arts…
SGA Outstanding Seniors for 2018 are honored
The Student Government Association’s Outstanding Seniors for 2018 were introduced in a Patten Chapel ceremony.
Celebrate diversity at Foreign Language Week
Join the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures for a nature and language hike, evening of poetry and flash fiction, movie night, and more exciting opportunities to learn about other languages and cultures.
Katherine Adorati: Student Success Profile
“I can’t say it’s been easy. It’s definitely been a challenge. But, you know, I like the challenge,” says Katherine Adorati, a double major in Chemistry and Spanish who is also minoring in Biology.
Foreign Language Week 2016
March 4-11 join the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, and the Office of International Programs for a nature and language hike, evening of poetry and flash fiction, movie night, and more.