Kathi Weeks, professor of gender, sexuality and feminist studies at Duke University draws from 1970’s critiques of the ideologies of love and romance to develop a critique of the popular literature advice that directs employees to find love and happiness at work.
Department of Mathematics Colloquium Series hosts Lakmali Weerasena, Oct. 20
Lakmali Weerasena presents: A Local-search Algorithm and a Tolerance Function for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
Flora, Fauna, and Flute: nature inspired concert features flute and narrator, Oct. 22
This concert for flute and narrator follows a theme of nature with musical selections and narrations based on birds, flowers, trees and animals.
MOCForward: Topics, including touchy ones, discussed at Diversity & Inclusion conference
Multiple aspects of diversity and inclusion—some on touchy topics—were presented at the inaugural Moving Our Campus (MOC) Forward: An Inclusive Excellence Conference
In a Graveyard: Choral concert explores themes of death and remembrance, Oct. 21
The concert featuring Hugo Distler’s Totentanz, is a collection of music thematically connected to Halloween and All Saints Day.
Lecture considers the ‘lost virtue’ of moderation and its relationship with politics on Oct. 19
In his lecture, “In Praise of a Forgotten Virtue: Moderation in the Twenty-First Century,” Aurelian Craiutu explores questions surrounding the forgotten virtue and the relationship moderation has—or should have—with politics.
Fr. Michael Lapsley presents ‘Healing Memories’ on Oct. 25
The Department of Psychology and Psi Chi invite the UTC and Chattanooga community to hear Lapsley’s powerful perspective on trauma and healing.
UTC Department of Performing Arts presents REEDS, STRINGS, and HAMMERS: Music for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano
With performers Wendy Case, Tim Hinck, and Nikolasa Tejero, this dynamic and diverse program features composers who blurred the stylistic line between concert and popular music idioms.
Levar Smith explores ‘Anxieties of Democracy’ with campus lecture on Sept. 27
Guest speaker Levar Smith will present “Anxieties of Democracy: Lessons from South Africa and Zimbabwe” as part of the Political Science and Public Service’s “Sweet Research” series.
U.S. Navy quintet comes to UTC for class and concert
The U.S. Navy Band Brass Quintet hosted a class for UTC students then performed a concert that night.