Two students from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga won key positions at this year’s Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature. UTC criminal justice major Susanne Cooper was elected Speaker Pro Tem of the House, and graduate student Hunter Fowler, pursuing a Master of Public Administration degree, was appointed a Supreme Court justice.
How to move up the law enforcement ladder with a criminal justice degree
Crime doesn’t pay. But a criminal justice degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga can. Just ask Lt. Adam Emery with the Chattanooga Police Department. Born and raised in Harrison, Tennessee, Emery received a criminal justice degree from UTC in 2003.
Criminal justice students collaborate with University High to ‘pour for a purpose’
On Friday, Nov. 10, students in the UTC Criminal Justice program and University High juniors came together for a day-long collaboration called “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a pour-painting project and community gallery event at the UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center.
Difference maker: Dylan Rivera’s path to public service brought him through UTC
Dylan Rivera, a 2020 graduate of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is the director of policy planning and implementation for the city of Chattanooga. His work directly influences Chattanooga’s minority neighborhoods by bridging the disparities in generational health, safety and prosperity.
UTC criminal justice students to host “Pouring for Purpose” community event
Students from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Criminal Justice program and University High students will soon collaborate for a pour-painting project and community gallery event. On Friday, Nov. 10, the college and high school students will come together to launch “Pouring for Purpose: Building Pathways to Ethics and Equity,” a gallery and partner-building event taking place from 1-3 p.m. at the UTC Challenger Center.
Student learns crime and punishment (and self care) through UTC internships
Thanks to several internship opportunities, senior Faith Burkhardt—a double major in criminal justice and social work—has gained real-world experience during her time at UTC.
Move In Day: Excitement, fear, fun and a whole lot of stuff
Operation Move In brought the newest flock of Mocs to UTC. All this week at the residential housing units on campus, cars, pickups, SUVs and minivans pull in, often stuffed to the brim and unloaded by students, parents, siblings and other relatives.
Retired UTC criminal justice professor still steering others down life’s highways
Tired of cracking up test cars for General Motors, Dr. Roger Thompson spent 36 years as a full-time criminal justice professor at UTC. Before retiring, however, he began working with Haman’s New Drivers to teach student drivers and rehabilitate others behind the wheel—and now works with teenagers, those with special needs and immigrants whose home countries require driving on the left side of the road.
‘It is possible to move forward in life’: Katie Streber overcame drugs, jail and uncertainty to earn a bachelor’s degree and pursue a master’s
In May 2023, Katie Streber graduated summa cum laude from UTC with a bachelor’s degree in integrated studies, focusing on social work and criminal justice. She has been accepted into the UTC graduate school and plans to pursue a master’s degree in public administration.
From the diamond to Mosaic, Hayleigh Weissenbach continues to make a difference
An initiative that Hayleigh Weissenbach—now a campus coordinator for the UTC Mosaic program—began during her undergraduate days as a student-athlete changed her career path.