The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga will be the newest institution participating in the Grand Challenges Scholars Program, an initiative supported by the National Academy of Engineering to educate a new generation of engineers expressly equipped to tackle some of the most pressing issues facing society in the 21st century.
Campus Composers Concert set for April 3 at Roland Hayes Concert Hall
The Campus Composers Concert “will offer high-level performances by professional musicians on the UTC faculty and guest artists, along with some fine student performers,” said Dr. Jonathan McNair, Ruth S. Holmberg Professor of American Music at UTC.
For all the marbles: High school competitors experience highs and lows of roller coaster competition
In the second year of the Marble Roller Coaster Competition, hosted by the College of Engineering and Computer Science at UTC, almost 100 students from local middle and high schools spent 20 minutes brainstorming a design, then had 80 minutes to build it and make it work.
New Engineering Barn gives students space and equipment for research
Engineering students will have up-to-date on manufacturing methods and gain expertise on how to use them.
Sinking the putt: Monica San Juan wins at school and sport
Engineering is a tough major. It involves more mathematics and physics courses than most students want to take or even fully comprehend. It sounds hard, and if you’re not in the engineering field, you might not understand how difficult it is. Golf is a tough sport to succeed in. You don’t just play 18 holes…
UTC Construction teams reach Top 5 in regional contest
Four teams from UTC ranked No. 4 out of 13 teams in recent construction competition.
College of Engineering and Computer Science hosts Fall Career Fair
Local businesses offer tips to students at the College of Engineering and Computer Science’s Career Fair.
UTC professor chosen for prestigious position at National Science Foundation
UTC’s Li Yang has been appointed as a program director at the National Science Foundation.
Teachers taught to teach STEM subjects
A partnership between UTC and Chatt State offers bachelor’s degrees with STEM education concentrations in the following:
Never giving up is only part of this story: Mocs win national student rocket competition
From the pages of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Magazine: The introduction to the Rocket Mocs, the UTC engineering team that vaulted a student-built rocket more than 11,000 feet.