Colleges of Distinction, an organization that honors higher education institutions that excel in delivering exceptional student experiences and producing successful outcomes, has recognized the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in eight different award categories for the institution’s commitment to helping undergraduate students learn, grow and succeed.
Advance your career: Apply to UTC grad school this summer, start this fall
Ready to fast-track your education and career? The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga offers more than a dozen graduate programs you can still apply to this summer and start by the fall. The UTC Graduate School offers flexible degree programs and personalized attention to help you advance your career while balancing your busy life .
Meet Madison: Young UTC graduate is ‘one to watch’
At 20 years old, Madison Cothern was one of the younger graduates participating in University of Tennessee at Chattanooga commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 4. Despite her age, her list of accomplishments does not reflect a lack of experience—as she graduated with about 186 credit hours.
Global citizen: UTC’s Emma Roy awarded Boren Scholarship
Emma Roy, currently completing her junior year at UTC, has been selected for the prestigious David L. Boren Scholarship, an initiative of the Defense Language and National Security Education Office, which is part of the U.S. Department of Defense. Beginning in mid-September, she will spend 25 weeks—the equivalent of an academic year—at National Taiwan University as part of the International Chinese Language Program.
UTC, Hamilton County Schools extend Future Ready partnership at Tyner Academy
UTC and Hamilton County Schools signed a Memorandum of Understanding to extend the sponsorship of UTC’s Future Ready Institute in Teaching and Learning at Tyner. The ceremony took place in Hunter Hall’s John Ebb Stewart and Mary Ann Stewart Instructional Technology Laboratory on the UTC campus.
University High: Latest initiative yielded by strategic emphasis of UTC Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education
When UTC launched University High in fall 2023, the initiative represented more than a novel approach to secondary education resulting from an unprecedented collaboration between UTC and Hamilton County Schools. University High also is the first fruit of a strategic focus on innovative school models—one of five such focus areas—by the UTC Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education established in 2023.
UTC School of Education announces director roles for Dr. Kim Wingate and Dr. Allen Pratt
Dr. Kim Wingate, a longtime member of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga faculty, has been named director of the University’s School of Education. Wingate joined the UTC faculty as an assistant professor in the School of Education in 2007. In a related move, Dr. Allen Pratt has been named the School of Education’s director of strategic partnerships. Pratt, who also serves as executive director of the National Rural Education Association (NREA), has served alongside Wingate as the interim co-director of the School of Education since 2022.
Fueling innovation and STEM exploration: UTC hosts Chattanooga Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Over 100 local middle and high school students presented their projects for the Chattanooga Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CRSEF) in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Maclellan Gym on Wednesday, March 6.
Happy Anniversary: MCC, WaGE celebrate 15 years of providing UTC students a ‘sense of belonging’
For 15 years, the Multicultural Center and the Center for Women and Gender Equity have provided safe spaces for students at UTC. The organizations will jointly celebrate their 15th anniversaries with a reception from 2-4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 29, at Lupton Hall.
Taste of Black Chattanooga celebrates local cuisine and culture
Signature cuisine from five Chattanooga-area vendors was on display at the third annual “Taste of Black Chattanooga,” which took place on Thursday, Feb. 22, in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s University Center Tennessee Room.