Takeo Suzuki, Executive Director of International Programs, is already brainstorming and implementing ideas to expand his program and tap into the needs of our University’s students.
Honoring the Founder of UTC’s School of Nursing
Mary Jackson, founder of UTC’S School of Nursing recently passed away. To honor her memory, UTC’s School of Nursing has compiled a short video focusing on Jackson’s thoughts on nursing and the founding of the School of Nursing.
CCCE Celebrates 35th Anniversary
Center for Community Career Education (CCCE) recently celebrated their 35th year with UTC.
Self Service Kiosk Provides Easy License Renewal Services
UTC has teamed up with the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security to offer a more efficient and faster way to renew or replace a Tennessee driver license or state identification card on Campus.
Civil War Press Symposium is November 5-7
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s twenty-third annual Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 5-7.
Pack selected as new Engineering and Computer Science Dean at UTC
Dr. Daniel Pack has accepted the position of Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Faculty member discusses obsession with zombies
In this video news story, Tammy Garland, associate professor and acting head of criminal justice, explores our obsession with all things zombie.
Engineering Students partner with TVA, Receive National Recognition
Graduate students Mariana Kamel and Haytham Saeed were recently honored for their contributions in an award winning approach to open phase faults.
Meet Ann Yoachim, Director of Community Partnerships
Ann Yoachim, recently named UTC Director of Community Partnerships, has been on our campus for a few months now, and is quickly adjusting to her work with the University and the surrounding area.
David Levine Keynote Speaker at International Conference
Dr. David Levine, from the Department of Physical Therapy, was an International Keynote Speaker at the 2015 Australian Physiotherapy Conference, where he presented multiple lectures and labs on topics such as animal assisted therapy and research on the use of lasers to improve muscle endurance.