Fang Yu Hu is one of seven women in the country to be awarded a fellowship from the American Association of University Women.
Scholarships, professor position funded by Kennedy Foundation endowment
The Kennedy Foundation, Inc. has pledged $1 million for the benefit of students studying poetry at UTC.
UTC student leaders celebrated at Blue and Gold Awards
Three students receive awards for their exemplary service as student leaders, academic excellence, involvement and service and dedication to the university.
UTC Student Achieves Entrance into Fellowship Program
UTC Honors College graduate, Cintly Guzman Hernandez is one of 75 Americans selected for the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals.
Two UTC students awarded Ruby Falls’ Steiner Scholarship
Students each awarded $5,000 scholarship for ‘distinguished passion and commitment to their academic careers’
Students and donors mingle and chat during annual Scholarship Luncheon
Over the past year, Dean Jackson has received about five letters from UTC students who received money from the scholarship named after her late husband, Jimmy Jackson Memorial Alumni.
Deadline to apply for ReSEARCH Dialogues 2018 is February 24
UTC’s largest academic conference is back for a third year. The ReSEARCH Dialogues conference celebrates scholarship, engagement, the arts, research, creativity and humanities on campus. The deadline to apply is Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018.
Executive Women International supports single parents for more than 20 years with scholarship
The Jean Bradford Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of the late EWI member who was administrative aide to Chancellor Frederick W. Obear at the time of her death.
Students document the lives of African-American women in Chattanooga with Mayor Council’s initiative to tell herstories
A collaboration of UTC’s Special Collections and Department of History, with the City of Chattanooga Mayor’s Council on Women, Southern Adventist University and Covenant College, captures the testimonies of local women to diversify the historical narrative of Chattanooga and add their unique perspectives.
Students and scholarship benefactors meet face-to-face at annual luncheon
Dozens of students who received scholarships attended the Scholarship Luncheon 2017, giving them a chance to meet the people who gave them the money them and personally thank them.