Task force focuses on solutions to long-term care facilities during COVID-19 pandemic.
Keeping hope alive, but also ‘good, healthy skepticism as a scientist’
Dr. Davey Smith isn’t absolutely sure there will be a cure for COVID-19 by the end of the year. But he’s darn sure going to try. Smith, who earned a biology degree in 1993 from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, is conducting one of more than 30 clinical trials across the country that are…
Circles help you take a break and stay safe
Circles on Chamberlain Field help with social distancing.
Be flexible. Consider others. Be kind. Keep your cool.
Being in charge of her life is a big deal to Brittany Roth, but this summer, control has proven elusive. “Things are just constantly up in the air. I think that things change so quickly, it’s hard to kind of stay on top of everything,” says Roth. The sense of disorientation isn’t just…
Graduate working in public health: ‘Glad to feel useful’
New graduate helps chase COVID-19 infections across 10 counties in Southeast Tennessee.
Coronavirus screeches vacation in South America to a halt
Coronavirus lockdown traps professor and his family in Peru.
UTC researchers seeking new ways to diagnose, treat coronavirus
Three research projects targeting COVID-19 are now going on through the SimCenter at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The projects are searching for methods to make detection of the virus simpler and also to find ways to combat it. Along with providing $20,000 each for two of the projects, the SimCenter’s supercomputers are capable…
Senior engineering students turn attention to solutions for coronavirus equipment
Jody Brown and fellow student Brach Burdick are coming up with concepts to make filters for masks similar to the N95 respirator masks now in short supply nationwide for health care workers.
Balancing act: Keeping optimism, battling pessimism
“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And,…
Despite coronavirus, nursing graduates confident as they begin their careers
Despite facing the double-barreled angst of a new career and the coronavirus, UTC nursing graduates remain steadfast that they’ve chosen the right career. And they’re ready to get to it.