An absurdist tale of survival and democratic decision-making is coming to the Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre stage. The UTC Theatre Co. continues its 2023-2024 season with its production of Slawomir Mrozek’s “Out at Sea.” Performances will take place at 7:30 p.m. on April 9-13, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, April 13.
Final act: Theater graduate finds ‘a sense of fulfillment’ from acting
Isaiah Mark Owens took acting classes in high school and, when all was said and done, the thrill of acting stuck. The end result is a degree in theater he will earn in December 2023 from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
UTC Theatre production blends quirkiness, dark comedy and deep emotions
The UTC Theatre Co. continues its 2023-2024 season with its production of “Alabaster,” written by award-winning playwright and Alabama native Audrey Cefaly. Performances will take place at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 14-18, with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, Nov. 18.
UTC Theatre Co. Presents “Everybody” April 18-22
Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ “Everybody” will be presented April 18-22 in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre.
UTC mourns passing of actor and former student Leslie Jordan
Chattanooga native and former UTC student Leslie Jordan, an Emmy-winning actor, writer and singer best known for his roles in “Will & Grace,” “American Horror Story” and “Hearts Afire,” died on Monday, Oct. 24, 2022.
UTC Theatre Company Vaudevillia productions bring famous works of art to life
Vaudevillia Yellow When: Viewable online now Where: Vaudevillia Yellow teaser: See more: Vaudevillia Red and Vaudevillia Black and White will be available at later this spring. What does it look like to act out Gustav Klimt’s painting The Kiss? UTC Theatre Company was up for the challenge of answering that question and…
New blood is needed on City Council, Anderson says
Theatre major throws his hat in the ring for the Chattanooga City Council race.
Exploration and experiences are touchstones in Bruce Shaw’s life
Graduating from UTC is something of a second life for Shaw. Actually, that’s not quite accurate. It’s more of a fifth or sixth life.
UTC Theatre Company steps out of the box with ‘Love and Information’
“It is kind of a whacky ride,” explains Director Gaye Jeffers. More than 100 characters and fifty plays are squeezed into a production of an hour and twenty minutes—all exploring contemporary issues about communication, technology and our capacity for love.
The past returns: Ibsen’s ‘Doll’s House’ is revisited in ‘Part 2’
If You Go What: A Doll’s House, Part 2 When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Oct. 2-6; 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 Where: Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre in the UTC Fine Arts Center. Tickets: $10 for students with UTC ID; $12 general public; go to, call (423) 425-4269 or buy them at the UTC Fine Arts…