Every physical therapy graduate passed the national licensing exam.
Faculty’s research on brain injuries honored at national conference
Research by UTC’s Gary Wilkerson and Shellie Acocello was presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association conference.
DPT program doesn’t ‘sacrifice quality for affordability’
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is home to the state’s No. 1 doctoral program in physical therapy.
Get a taste of UTC on Focus Friday
Curious about what college is like? Want to meet some current UTC professors and students? Join us for Focus Friday.
Physical Therapy faculty members win national recognition
American Physical Therapy Association recognizes two UTC professors for outstanding service.
Making it fun: Do animals help with physical/mental therapy?
UTC’s David Levine and Janice Ryan are conducting research into physical and mental rehabilitation that includes animals but goes beyond the well-known service and therapy dogs.
UTC professors give presentations at national symposium
Three professors from UTC took part recently in a national conference by the U.S. Public Health Service.
Dr. Nancy Fell honored by the American Physical Therapy Association
This June, Dr. Nancy Fell, UC Foundation Professor, Physical Therapy, received well-deserved recognition from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) with their Lucy Blair Service Award.
UTC hosts annual Physical Therapy Forum
The UTC Department of Physical Therapy recently hosted their annual Physical Therapy Forum, with over 250 in attendance.
White Coat Ceremony recognizes PT and OT students
Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy held a white coat ceremony to mark students’ transition from the study of preclinical to the application of clinical health sciences.