On Friday, Feb. 16, UTC hosted nearly 330 middle and high school students from Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy (CSKYWLA) in Atlanta for a “Full STEAM Ahead” field trip.
For Dr. Artanya Wesley, guiding students’ paths is “why I do this work”
Understanding the driving force behind your ambitions, from earning a degree to scoring a promotion, is crucial for success. “If you know your why, you know your way,” said Dr. Artanya Wesley, the new vice chancellor for enrollment management and student affairs at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
Culture shock: ‘Perfecting those little moments is the best feeling ever’
Last summer, Emma Roy—a secondary education: political science major and Brock Scholar in the UTC Honors College—spent two months in an immersive language program at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan, speaking only Chinese. She then spent her fall semester at the University of Brighton in England as part of a study abroad opportunity.
UTC Special Collections wins federal grant to process Dr. Tommie Brown’s personal papers
A $144,049 grant has been awarded to University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Special Collections by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) to process the papers of Dr. Tommie Brown, a former UTC professor, department head and state legislator.
UTC Theatre Co. presents Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5 the Musical”
The UTC Theatre Co. will present “9 to 5 the Musical” from Feb. 27 through March 2 in the UTC Fine Arts Center’s Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre. Nightly shows begin at 7:30 p.m. with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Saturday, March 2.
Calling all Mocs: Register to present or perform at the 2024 UTC Spring Research and Arts Conference
The largest academic conference held on the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga campus is only a couple of months away. The 2024 UTC Spring Research and Arts Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 10, in the University Center. Sponsored by the Office for Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor (URaCE), the event allows UTC students, faculty and staff to share their research or showcase their creative work with their peers.
Grant funds work on ‘Breaking Down Barriers to Care’
Tonya Morgan, Alexa Allen and Logan Zumbrun are among the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga DNP students in the Family Nurse Practitioner-Lifespan concentration directly benefiting from a $2.6-million grant awarded to the UTC School of Nursing from the Health Resources and Services Administration—the primary federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, geographically isolated and economically or medically vulnerable.
UTC engineering prof wins prestigious NSF CAREER award
While Dr. Hamdy Ibrahim’s career is considered to be in its early stages today, the National Science Foundation has just cast a big vote of confidence in its future. Ibrahim, a UTC assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is the recipient of a CAREER award from the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program.
Heroes of UTC snow days: “When the call went out for help, people responded”
On Monday, Jan. 15, a rare, thin blanket of snow fell on the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga campus. While UTC only got a light dusting, some areas in the Chattanooga region received up to six inches of snow, leaving campus closed until Thursday, Jan. 18. “People had to be doing physical things in 10-degree weather, five-degree weather, which is crazy,” UTC Director of Safety and Risk Management Bob Jackson said, “but when the call went out for help, people responded.”
Dr. Ethan Carver named interim dean of the UTC Graduate School
Dr. Ethan Carver has been appointed interim dean of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Graduate School. Carver has worked closely with graduate programs and the Graduate School since 2016, first as assistant dean and then as associate dean.