Families and children of all ages gathered at the UTC Challenger STEM Learning Center for the first-ever STEAMagination festival on Saturday, Oct. 21, a celebration of science, technology, engineering, art and math. The Challenger Center promotes career exploration for children, provides STEAM learning labs and simulated space missions and often hosts field trips and summer camps for K-12 students.
Social work students find trust through interpretation
Now in its fifth year, “Still Images of Trust” is a dual project—held in the social work course “Pre-Field I”—between Mary Andrews, associate lecturer in the Department of Social Work, and Laurie Melnik-Allen, executive director, professor of practice and Lyndhurst Chair of Excellence in Arts Education.
Collaborating with UTC, Battle Academy earns statewide recognition for its STEAM programs
An educational partner with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Battle Academy has been named to a group of 22 schools selected statewide for its Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics program (STEAM) programs.
Future learners: Kindergarten students participate in arts integration project with UTC
The Arts-Based Collaborative at UTC participated in a community engagement project with kindergarten educators at Montessori Elementary at Highland Park, culminating with an art exhibition at the school.
Challenger Center reopening for groups and summer camps
Country singer Lee Greenwood will attend the announcement ceremony.
Local high school students create art for public display
UTC Southeast Center for the Education in the Arts (SCEA) and the Challenger STEM Learning Center worked with EPB on ArtSpark.
Eileen Collins the first female to pilot, command Space Shuttle
On Sept. 19, former astronaut Eileen Collins spoke with students from the Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy over Skype in UTC’s Challenger STEM Learning Center.
Teachers taught to teach STEM subjects
A partnership between UTC and Chatt State offers bachelor’s degrees with STEM education concentrations in the following:
Murder most foul: Whodunit raises money for SCEA
Murder mystery starring UTC faculty and staff is a fundraiser for Southeastern Center for Education in the Arts.