Todd Appleton is a student in the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Leadership (BAS-AL) program, part of the College of Health, Education and Professional Studies. He also is the web and campus information administrator for Cleveland State Community College. He has what he has called his dream job, but as his wife said, “He doesn’t just half do anything; he always wants to do more,” which led him to the UTC program.
45 years later, applied leadership program offered recent UTC grad a chance to finish degree
Robyn Berry, who participated in May 5 UTC commencement ceremonies, completed her bachelor’s degree 45 years after she began college.
Roshonda Woods: A community leader at UTC
Roshonda Woods, solid waste manager for CHAPublicWorks, is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in the UTC BAS-AL program. The BAS-AL is built around working professionals who want to further their education despite busy schedules.
UTC and Chattanooga State Community College sign Applied Leadership articulation agreement
A new Bachelor of Applied Science: Applied Leadership (BAS-AL) articulation agreement was made official between the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Chattanooga State Community College on Friday, Jan. 6, when a signing ceremony took place in the University Center’s UC Foundation Room on the UTC campus.
Tears of joy: A 25 year flight to a bachelor’s degree
Larry Guess, an Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter flight paramedic, is a member of the inaugural class of the UTC’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Leadership online degree program to complete the curriculum and receive a degree—15 months after the program started and 25 years after his college journey began.
It’s never too late to succeed: New degree program aimed at working adults
From the pages of University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Magazine: A look at three adult learners in a new UTC degree program aimed at working adults.
New agreement links degree programs at UTC and Cleveland State
Cleveland State students with associate degrees in business can transfer those credits directly to UTC toward a bachelor’s degree.
UTC Center for Professional Education offering new online digital court reporter program
Through the UTC Center for Professional Education’s Digital Court Reporting Online Course, individuals can work toward preparation for work as court reporters and fill employment gaps across the state.
UTC selected by Amazon as education partner for Career Choice Program
A new educational partnership will provide Amazon employees access to a quality degree program at UTC.
For Christina Culbreath, new UTC online program created leadership opportunities at home and work
Christina Culbreath saw that UTC “had this leadership program that—as a single, working parent—gives me the flexibility I need to participate.”