Jermillya Farris is among the inaugural students in the UTC BAS-AL program, a fully online degree program tailored to students with previous college experience and seeking to complete their undergraduate studies.
Larry Guess’ long and winding road is nearing the finish line
The UTC BAS-AL program was designed for adult learners with previous college, military or work experience and for whom life always seemed to get in the way of crossing the undergraduate finish line.
UTC introduces nationwide program to train cybersecurity professionals
The new program prepares military veterans and first responders—police, fire, EMTS and others—for careers in cybersecurity,
UTC Advanced Placement training may reach more than 6,000 high school students
The UTC Center for Professional Education is providing advanced placement training to more than 300 Tennessee high school teachers across the state over this summer and next.
Online Construction Management program among nation’s best
Program ranked in Top 20 by education website.
Sarah Canatsey brings years of tech experience to College of Business
Learning how to make professional videos or PowerPoint lessons is a learned skill.
Most courses for Summer Term II will be online
Sent on behalf of Provost Jerold Hale and Faculty Senate President Jamie Harvey UTC will offer a full and robust set of courses for Summer Term II, which meets June 24 through Aug. 6. As we continue to confront health and safety issues related to the COVID-19 virus, most classes will be offered online. Some…
Students: Classes Canceled this Week, Important Message from Provost Jerold L. Hale
Wherever you are, we hope you are safe and well, following the storms that roared through our region on Sunday night. As you look out for yourselves, your loved ones, and your friends, we wanted you to know that we are making changes to the academic schedule to permit some recovery from the disaster. Given…
Taking the class from a room to a computer
Setting up laboratory experiments to be shown online can be tough for organic chemistry courses but, in some ways, Dominique Belanger considers herself lucky. “I’m glad that I don’t have to learn how to teach sculpture online,” she says, laughing. Belanger is in charge of the organic chemistry program at UTC, so it’s her responsibility…
A week without classes is a week full of learning
Students aren’t the only ones at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga learning how to use computers and software before the switch to all-online courses on Monday. Faculty are in the same boat. Between March 12 and March 19, 630 faculty members have taken training sessions from the Grayson H. Walker Center for Teaching and…