The Kyiv City Ballet is scheduled for three Chattanooga performances in the newly renovated Roland Hayes Concert Hall in the UTC Fine Arts Center on Oct. 5-7, with performances beginning each night at 7:30 p.m.
2020: Looking back on the year that was
COVID 19, construction, awards: There was no lack of happenings at UTC in 2020.
Improvements changing both the outward faces and interior spaces at UTC
Several construction projects on campus are either finished, close to finishing or underway.
Looking back: 2019 was filled with important and interesting developments at UTC
A look at what took place at UTC in 2019, including campus updates, alums making impacts and faculty appointments.
Theatre Co. presents Hay Fever, the ultimate family holiday gone wrong
Join the UTC Theatre Company as they present Hay Fever in the Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre, UTC Fine Arts Center. The show will run November 15-19 at 7:30 P.M. with an additional 2 P.M. matinee Saturday, on November 19.
UTC Theatre presents “Evita”
UTC Theatre brings Evita to life April 19-23. UTC Theatre Company presents acclaimed Evita in the Dorothy Hackett Ward Theatre, Fine Arts Center. The show will run April 19-23 at 7:30 P.M. with an additional 2 P.M. matinee on April 23.
UTC Opera presents The Magic Flute
Join UTC Opera in their production of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s beloved fairy-tale opera, The Magic Flute, April 8 and 9, 7:30 P.M., Roland Hayes Concert Hall, Fine Arts Center.
Theatre Company: Arms and the Man
We’re marching the chocolate-carrying soldier back to the stage with UTC’s production of Arms and the Man Feb. 23-27.
UTC Theatre offers “By the Way, Meet Vera Stark”
Vera Stark, an African-American Vaudeville actor, lives with her friends in Hollywood in the 1930s. Life is a struggle as she takes demeaning bit parts in hopes of creating a name for herself. Vera ends up a legend, whose life is filled with mystery. Biting comedy ensues when she is cast as a slave in…