UTC sophomore Teddy Solomon was nine years old when he first got the urge to build his amazing Rube Goldberg machines.
UTC Mock Trial team makes it to the national championship
The University Student Mock Trial team is one of 48 teams invited to the American Mock Trial Association championship.
Master’s in Engineering Management earns national, regional rankings
Program selected as No. 3 in country, best in the South
UTC researchers help CUIP win international award
CUIP wins first place recognition in the International Data Corp. Smart City North America awards.
When hurting kids won’t talk, their drawings can reveal what’s going on
A few years ago, Carole Ann McGovern “Cam” Busch created a scholarship at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to recognize and encourage students who are pursuing a career in the field of art therapy.
UTC commended for dedication to the military community
Tennessee National Guard’s Minute Man Award recognizes the commitment to the military shown by UTC.
UTC communication school achieves an accreditation first
These are good days for the Department of Communication within the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. In December, UTC students made an unprecedented seventh place showing among competitors from 75 universities across the country when the winners of the prestigious national Hearst Photo One News and Features contest…
Ashwyn Sam: Full-ride Knight-Hennessy scholarship pays for three years at Stanford
Ashwyn Sam admits it: He’s kind of a procrastinator. “I like to think that I like to work slow, but it’s actually procrastination,” he says with a smile in his voice. His drive to “work slow” is why, when he decided to apply to be one of the prestigious Knight-Hennessy Scholars for 2020—a scholarship worth…
Chronic autoimmune disease doesn’t block student from master’s degree
Challenges and unexpected situations occur for most college freshmen, but Andrea Fuchs faced something uniquely difficult. As a high school graduate from suburban St. Louis, Fuchs was excited to be leaving her hometown and on her way to study journalism at the University of Missouri. But the month before moving into her residence hall, she…