Murder mystery starring UTC faculty and staff is a fundraiser for Southeastern Center for Education in the Arts.
Top 10 most-read stories of 2018 cover a lot of ground
Here is a list of the Top 10 most-read stories on the UTC website for 2018
Alpha Society Celebrates Its Centennial
One hundred years since its founding, the UTC Alpha Society inducts its latest batch of initiates.
No. 1 Rocket Mocs honored by Mayor Berke
In honor of earning the No. 1 ranking in the country, UTC’s student rocket team—the Rocket Mocs—were recognized by Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke for the achievement.
UTC Rocket Mocs team ranked No. 1 in the United States
The UTC rocket team wowed the crowd when it was announced that its rocket reached more than 11,000 feet in height and almost 1,300 mph.
Students and donors mingle and chat during annual Scholarship Luncheon
Over the past year, Dean Jackson has received about five letters from UTC students who received money from the scholarship named after her late husband, Jimmy Jackson Memorial Alumni.
Globetrotting Mocs
From Kenya to Sweden. From Thailand to Spain, Mocs are studying all over the world.
Honors College students receive national scholarships
Four Honors College students have received national scholarships for studies abroad.
Student heads to New Orleans as Scholar at national race and ethnicity conference
Selected as a scholar, Edwards will meet with administrators and student leaders from universities across the country to talk about racial and ethnic relations on college campuses and discuss new ways of providing opportunities for traditionally underrepresented populations in higher education.
UTC students and faculty search for answers, make connections at ReSEARCH Dialogues
For two days in the spring, ideas are exchanged and connections are made between the community and more than 600 presenters, including UTC undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff.