Is your kid good enough to play college sports?
Boér and UTC alum want to take the intimidation factor out of exercise
Nicholas Boér is on a mission to change the perception most people have about physical fitness. “In the world of fitness, there has been a pretty significant disconnect that I am attempting to bridge,” said Boér, a UC Foundation associate professor in the Department of Health and Human Performance at the University of Tennessee at…
Professor’s driveway yoga sessions offer sense of normalcy in a hectic year
Since March, Jamie Harvey has hosted weekly driveway yoga sessions at her home in Red Bank.
Faculty honored with professorships, grants
Faculty members recognized for excellence.
Master of Public Health ‘pioneers’ graduate at pivotal time
The very first group of students to complete the Master of Public Health program just graduated
Cirque du Soleil is latest stop in John Faltus’ successful career
What can you do with a master’s degree in athletic training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga? In the case of John Faltus, joining the circus is an option—Cirque du Soleil, that is. Faltus, a Rhode Island native who came to UTC by way of Boston, is today head athletic trainer on a…
Despite disappointment and disillusion, Cooper powers his way to graduation
If you had to pick just one word to describe the way Marshall Cooper might be feeling on commencement day, that word could be “vindicated.” Or maybe “validated.” As someone figuratively slapped in the face before turning his life around, maybe his journey can’t be summarized in just one word. Cooper, a linebacker on…
Faculty’s research on brain injuries honored at national conference
Research by UTC’s Gary Wilkerson and Shellie Acocello was presented at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association conference.
Bikes and Brainwaves: UTC students lead research with school students
A group of UTC students from the Honors College are hoping to show a connection between sweaty exercise and relaxing meditation.
UTC students teach proper eating and exercise to schoolkids
UTC student is teaching elementary school kids how to properly exercise and, perhaps more importantly, how to eat healthily.