2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007
2025 (100)- 08/26 | House Calls is here to help
- 04/30 | Turning ideas into reality
- 04/23 | UTC celebrates Earth Day
- 02/13 | Love is all around us
- 01/10 | New FAFSA now available 24/7
- 07/28 | Smart City changemaker
- 07/17 | Forging community through art
- 07/12 | Planting SEEDs of transformation
- 06/16 | UTC celebrates Juneteenth
- 05/17 | UTC Advisory Board meets Tuesday
- 04/28 | Students pig out at Porkorama
- 04/14 | Let the (field) games begin
- 03/06 | UTC Faculty Music Recital
- 01/09 | High demand, meet fast track
- 12/29 | 2022 in review: Favorite videos
- 12/23 | 2022 in review: Favorite photos
- 12/20 | Thank you for your service
- 11/03 | UTC, EPA ink MOU
- 10/10 | Hip Hop Week returns to UTC
- 09/12 | The making of ‘Under the C’
- 08/19 | Welcome to Welcome Week 2022
- 08/18 | Mocs go Under the Big Top
- 08/16 | A path toward public service
- 08/03 | Camping out in calculus class
- 05/19 | UTC CFO search underway
- 05/06 | Caps off to the Class of 2022
- 04/22 | Thank you for all you do
- 04/09 | LeadHERship program kicks off
- 04/06 | Hello, my name is Hoshika
- 03/22 | SMILE Fund makes it six in a row
- 03/04 | Just plane fun
- 02/16 | Won’t you be my neighbor?
- 02/14 | Finding true love at UTC
- 02/14 | Exceptional engineering educator
- 02/13 | Exceptional engineering educator
- 01/20 | Got room for pie?
- 12/29 | 2021: Year in Review
- 12/23 | 2021 in photos
- 12/14 | Looking back on 2021
- 11/02 | Teaching different ways to teach
- 08/05 | On-campus construction update
- 08/04 | Fall 2021 COVID-19 Campus Update
- 04/06 | ReSEARCH Dialogues 2021
- 03/16 | To the Rescue
- 02/25 | SoCon scores its 100th year
- 02/17 | Black Alumni Voices
- 01/07 | Statements from UTC officials
- 12/29 | A year’s worth of photos at UTC
- 12/18 | Musical Inspiration
- 10/13 | ‘Artists will always find a way’
- 06/01 | Recognizing the Top of the Class
- 04/22 | Happy Earth Day, Mocs!
- 04/17 | COVID-19 brings out UTC heroes
- 03/27 | SimCenter is open for business
- 02/28 | Coronavirus FAQs
- 02/26 | Join Us: March 2020
- 02/24 | Time to choose your housing room
- 12/04 | Mina Sartipi: Woman of Influence
- 12/03 | Join Us: February 2020 Events
- 11/13 | Plarn It All
- 11/06 | First Gen finds its place
- 10/08 | Student Profile: Kishan Patel
- 09/05 | Founders Week Activities
- 06/03 | Saving the Orchids
- 04/08 | Autism Acceptance Month 2019
- 04/01 | The Politics of Immigration Law
- 03/07 | Lavender Graduation
- 03/06 | Math professors solve for pi(e)
- 01/11 | Join Us: February 2019 Events
- 12/03 | Join Us: January 2019 Events
- 11/19 | Celebrating the First Generation
- 11/12 | A Fond Farewell
- 10/19 | Retirees return to campus
- 10/18 | Join Us: November 2018 Events
- 09/28 | Be Informed: Gun Rules on Campus
- 09/27 | UTC weather update
- 09/22 | Join Us: October 2018
- 08/13 | Welcome Week
- 07/31 | Globetrotting Mocs
- 07/31 | Join Us: September 2018
- 07/20 | Tennessee MOCstar
- 07/03 | Keeping Tech Cool
- 05/07 | Congratulations Class of 2018
- 04/26 | Bridge to Rising Rock
- 04/20 | WUTC ends its pledge drive early
- 04/19 | Question Mocs Episode 5
- 04/18 | ROTC greets head of the ATF
- 03/02 | Donating life at Bloodanooga
- 03/01 | Join Us: April 2018 Events
- 02/28 | Women’s History Month at UTC
- 02/22 | Register now for summer classes
- 02/15 | Apps to help you quit smoking
- 02/12 | Ramona Brant speaks at UTC
- 02/02 | Music maintenance for the brain
- 01/29 | Black History Month at UTC
- 01/19 | See hunger in a new way
- 01/15 | Join Us: March 2018 Events
- 01/01 | Join Us: February 2018 Events
- 12/02 | Join Us: January 2018 Events
- 12/01 | Join Us: December 2017 Events
- 11/07 | 9th annual SGA Bonfire
- 10/26 | Tip off with the Mocs
- 09/30 | Join Us: November Events
- 08/30 | Welcome Week 2017
- 07/31 | Classes begin August 21
- 07/26 | Join Us: October Events
- 05/10 | 2017 Spring Commencement Recap
- 05/09 | Summer Classes Begin
- 05/01 | Football Mocs go pro
- 04/01 | UTC Introduces New “Kitten Room”
- 03/13 | Get advised today!
- 03/07 | Faculty Profile: Nicole Brown
- 01/17 | Celebrate Black History Month
- 01/05 | Departments on the move
- 12/20 | WUTC celebrates the season
- 10/24 | Get advised today!
- 09/19 | Mastermind behind the whiteboard
- 09/15 | Celebrating Founders Day 2016
- 08/23 | Operation Move In
- 08/11 | Classes begin August 22
- 06/21 | Patrick O’Brien: Student Success
- 04/14 | UTC Celebrates Earth Week
- 04/05 | UTC Theatre presents “Evita”
- 03/09 | Instant Decision Day March 10
- 03/03 | Foreign Language Week 2016
- 02/29 | Kaleidoscope Concert
- 02/09 | Study in Paris this summer
- 02/02 | Campus Welcomes Kirk Englehardt
- 01/26 | Check Out Spring Career Day
- 01/06 | Mocs Set New Mark With 3.113 GPA
- 12/16 | WUTC Christmas Special
- 11/23 | CCCE Celebrates 35th Anniversary
- 11/20 | School of Nursing Helps Haiti
- 11/02 | Homecoming Wrap-Up
- 10/09 | WUTC Pledge Drive Underway
- 10/05 | Get On Board Day 2015
- 09/11 | UTC Remembers 9/11
- 08/25 | UTC celebrates retiring faculty
- 06/12 | Sign up for summer orientations
- 06/12 | Kindermusik earns Maestro Award
- 05/29 | Flag honors UTC student veterans
- 04/01 | Enjoy campus music performances
- 02/20 | COMM WEEK 2015
- 02/13 | Complete the FAFSA now
- 02/06 | Thaddeus Johnson honored by SGA
- 01/23 | Black History Month at UTC
- 01/09 | A Time to Celebrate
- 01/09 | Women’s Leadership Academy
- 12/19 | Two students honored by SGA
- 12/19 | Sights of UTC holiday season
- 12/19 | WUTC December 25th Schedule
- 12/19 | Go Mocs!
- 12/18 | Twenty Years to Life
- 11/14 | Wrapping up fall 2014 semester
- 10/03 | Take Back the Night Chattanooga
- 10/03 | UTC welcomes new faculty
- 09/19 | Russian delegation visits campus
- 09/19 | Mocs complete summer internships
- 09/19 | CECS hosts “Get On Board” Day
- 09/19 | “Hollywood’s Great War”
- 09/05 | Focusing on student success
- 08/22 | Focusing on student success
- 08/11 | News Digest
- 08/08 | Mocs Express adds downtown route
- 08/08 | Welcome!
- 08/08 | “The Ape Who Went to College”
- 08/07 | Follow fall athletics at UTC
- 07/25 | UTC alumnus is having a “Blast!”
- 06/13 | Veterans Task Force meets at UTC
- 06/12 | Register for Fall 2014 Classes
- 05/15 | New SGA officers elected
- 05/05 | UTC celebrates commencement
- 05/02 | Register now for summer classes!
- 05/02 | Faculty retirees recognized
- 05/02 | Construction update
- 05/02 | New UTC website receives awards
- 05/01 | School of Nursing recognized
- 05/01 | Student park dedicated
- 04/17 | Faculty awards announced
- 04/16 | Fisher named Truman Scholar
- 04/16 | 2014-15 FYRE book selected
- 04/16 | UTC supports ‘Clean and Green’
- 04/04 | Senior art students exhibit work
- 04/01 | Spring brings music to campus
- 03/26 | UTC engaged in EXPO Chattanooga
- 03/14 | Day 8, Friday
- 03/14 | March 14
- 03/14 | Day 7, Thursday
- 03/14 | Day 6, Wednesday
- 03/11 | Back to Auschwitz
- 03/08 | Touring medieval Cracow
- 03/07 | The long flight to Poland
- 02/14 | Students enjoy snow days
- 02/07 | CHEPS publishes journal
- 02/05 | UTC TV Studio renovated
- 12/06 | Alumna named national leader
- 12/06 | Trumpet festival comes to UTC
- 11/22 | Mocs rock Mock Trial
- 11/08 | Register for spring 2014
- 11/07 | Mocs basketball season tips off
- 11/05 | What’s new at the ARC?
- 10/25 | Chamberlain Pavilion dedicated
- 10/24 | UTC voted “Best of the Best”
- 10/11 | UTC students see the world
- 09/11 | Get outside with UTC Outdoors
- 09/11 | SGA President appointed to THEC
- 08/29 | Faculty promotions and tenure
- 08/14 | New courses offered this fall
- 08/14 | Grow Your Own
- 08/14 | Welcome Week 2013 Calendar
- 08/14 | Brock Scholars travel to London
- 07/30 | Fall classes begin August 19
- 07/30 | Points of Pride
- 07/30 | FREE Sports Concussion Seminar
- 07/30 | Building a better campus
- 07/03 | Getting ready for fall semester
- 07/02 | Welcome, Chancellor Steve Angle!
- 06/14 | UTC represented at Riverbend
- 06/14 | Dream to be a nurse
- 05/20 | Getting ready for fall semester
- 05/13 | Ainsworth named UTC Provost
- 04/19 | New leaders elected to UTC SGA
- 04/19 | Campus faculty awards bestowed
- 04/19 | University appreciates faculty
- 04/19 | New FYRE book chosen for 2013-14
- 04/12 | C-SPAN airs UTC class
- 04/12 | University celebrates Earth Week
- 04/10 | Mocs at the Masters
- 03/20 | UTC hosting many speakers
- 03/01 | Steve Angle named UTC Chancellor
- 01/30 | Field narrows for Chancellor
- 11/30 | End of the fall semester wrap-up
- 10/31 | Inaugural race to honor veterans
- 10/17 | UTC ranked among the best
- 10/05 | Mocs spell their way to victory!
- 09/27 | CUMU comes to Chattanooga
- 09/19 | UTC Parent and Family Weekend
- 09/11 | Big changes for Cardiac Hill
- 09/04 | University celebrates Homecoming
- 08/24 | Kicking off Fall 2012
- 08/17 | Challenger Center bestows awards
- 08/10 | Three Shades of Green
- 08/03 | Schedule for Welcome Week 2012
- 08/03 | Welcome back to campus!
- 06/25 | Governor Bill Haslam visits UTC
- 06/18 | Upward Bound earns grant
- 05/16 | Register for fall classes
- 04/20 | Wrapping up spring semester
- 03/08 | Mark your calendar
- 01/05 | Campus construction update
- 12/23 | UTC celebrates the holidays
- 12/19 | Classes begin Monday, January 9
- 12/15 | Consider a gift to UTC
- 12/15 | WUTC’s December 25th schedule
- 11/21 | End of the semester wrap-up
- 11/02 | Spring registration begins
- 09/09 | Faculty and staff achievements
- 08/05 | Welcome Week 2011 Schedule
- 07/15 | Mocs Bass Anglers reel in a win
- 05/24 | Chattanooga Symposium Events
- 05/20 | SGA honors outstanding seniors
- 05/13 | Wigal receives Supernova Award
- 05/06 | New power simulation lab opens
- 04/29 | Spring 2011 Final Exam Hours
- 04/21 | UTC celebrates Earth Day
- 04/18 | UTC opposes guns on campus bill
- 03/16 | Donate blood on campus
- 02/18 | UTC welcomes Delta Upsilon
- 02/11 | UTC to host Asia conference
- 01/28 | Geoffrey Canada to speak at UTC
- 01/28 | Faculty, staff receive grants
- 01/03 | DiPietro on job as UT President
- 12/22 | Classes begin Monday, January 10
- 12/22 | Consider a contribution to UTC
- 12/22 | Campus holiday traditions
- 12/20 | See video of December graduates
- 12/17 | Watch UTC Commencement live
- 12/03 | New music offerings
- 11/11 | Pregame bonfire celebration
- 10/28 | Freshman Friday
- 10/06 | Homecoming 2010
- 09/28 | Record enrollment for fall 2010
- 09/13 | Money management help available
- 09/10 | Mocs spirits high
- 09/07 | So what’s with the green dots?
- 09/07 | Restoring an American treasure
- 08/26 | Out of this world research
- 08/26 | Growing a better fuel source
- 08/19 | Students study river walk use
- 08/19 | Campaign update
- 08/10 | Sustainability by the numbers
- 08/09 | Welcome Back
- 08/02 | Summer 2010 commencement
- 07/20 | MOCS Camp 2010
- 07/09 | Kovach, Symes earn UTAA awards
- 06/17 | RAs perform community service
- 06/09 | Ice Cream: Tasty in any language
- 06/07 | Restoring an American treasure
- 06/01 | New student orientation begins
- 06/01 | Construction update
- 05/25 | Documenting UTC’s urban forest
- 05/17 | Capital campaign update
- 05/10 | Legends and Leaders honored
- 04/30 | Maj. Ben Smith honored
- 04/16 | Wrapping Up the Semester
- 04/12 | Open mic night at Lupton Library
- 04/06 | Take Back the Night
- 04/06 | Students support the Troops
- 03/23 | Music events on campus this week
- 03/18 | Registration for Faculty
- 03/18 | Registration for Students
- 03/11 | Update: Relief for Haiti
- 03/11 | Apply for summer financial aid
- 02/19 | Germ quiz explores H1N1 virus
- 02/03 | Men’s basketball coach honored
- 01/22 | Relief for Haiti
- 01/20 | Freshman Friday
- 01/13 | Dead Sea Scrolls Lecture Series
- 12/23 | Kodály Institute at UTC featured
- 12/18 | Celebrating the Season
- 12/18 | Consider a contribution
- 12/16 | New graduate to wed Iraq veteran
- 12/11 | WUTC wins FYI award
- 11/12 | UTC Jazz Band
- 11/12 | Men’s Chorus and Women’s Chorale
- 11/09 | Get Fired Up to Beat the Citadel
- 11/06 | UTC Theatre presents Anon(ymous)
- 11/06 | Blue and Gold covers downtown
- 11/06 | National SimCenter recognized
- 10/28 | Freshman Friday
- 10/07 | Faculty and Staff Recognition
- 09/25 | Homecoming Court announced
- 09/18 | UTC Founders Day celebrated
- 08/14 | Welcome to campus!
- 08/07 | Kodaly Institute at UTC
- 08/03 | Classes Begin August 17
- 08/03 | MOCS Camp 2009
- 07/24 | Grote Hall to be overhauled
- 06/26 | Taking a new road
- 06/26 | 2008-09 Mocs Highlights
- 06/19 | New UTC Library moves forward
- 06/19 | Faculty and staff achievements
- 06/15 | Ground broken for golf complex
- 06/06 | Yes, That is a Volkswagen
- 06/06 | Volkswagen Drive Review
- 06/06 | Volkswagen CC Review
- 06/06 | UTC Rolls out Volkswagen Style
- 05/01 | Legends and Leaders honored
- 04/24 | Golf teams look to advance
- 04/21 | 2009-10 SGA officers elected
- 04/09 | UTC Music Department offerings
- 04/03 | Music Department offerings
- 03/30 | Music Department offerings
- 03/20 | ROTC hosts Challenge Day
- 03/17 | Fallon Fever hits UTC
- 03/06 | Conversation with Ruth Holmberg
- 03/06 | Astronaut Buzz Aldrin visits
- 02/24 | Renée Haugerud
- 02/24 | John H. Murphy
- 02/13 | Faculty and Staff Recognition
- 02/06 | WUTC-FM grows audience
- 01/30 | Black History Month 2009
- 01/30 | UTC joins the National Teach-In
- 12/18 | InfoSec scholarship
- 12/15 | Spring classes begin January 5
- 11/25 | Final exam cram time
- 11/21 | UTC partners with VW
- 11/14 | UTC Band Concert Nov. 23
- 10/29 | UTC Opera Workshop to perform
- 10/23 | Freshman Friday—October 24
- 10/16 | Early Bird deadline November 17
- 10/03 | Faculty and Staff Recognition
- 09/22 | Lewis, Stuart reign
- 09/19 | Homecoming Court announced
- 09/19 | UTC sponsors Culture Fest 2008
- 09/13 | Mocs release new logo
- 09/05 | Record enrollment
- 09/05 | Grote Scholars announced
- 08/15 | Talented Sugar Mocs win awards
- 08/14 | Test drive the car of the future
- 08/01 | Homecoming 2008–Moc ‘n Roll!
- 07/15 | Volkswagen chooses Chattanooga
- 07/03 | Faculty and Staff Recognition
- 04/25 | A step up to wash their hands
- 04/04 | COFFEEHOUSE ’08
- 03/28 | New library plans move forward
- 03/06 | Global outreach extends to India
- 03/06 | Spain study abroad trip offered
- 03/03 | UTC Dance Team tryouts
- 02/15 | UTC Cheerleading tryouts
- 02/15 | Faculty and Staff Recognition
- 01/04 | UTC Online upgraded and renamed
- 12/21 | Consider a contribution
- 12/21 | Spring classes begin January 7
- 12/14 | Faculty Honors Day
- 10/25 | Freshman Friday
- 10/12 | UTC cookbook for sale
- 10/01 | UTC Symphony Concert
- 10/01 | Andes Manta Concert
- 09/28 | Baritone Ulen to peform
- 09/28 | Join Elderscholars
- 09/21 | Donate blood—be a life saver
- 09/21 | UTC Theatre season begins
- 09/14 | Celebrate Constitution Day
- 09/14 | Record enrollment
- 09/10 | “Monuments Men” Lecture
- 09/07 | Record enrollment
- 08/31 | Grote Scholars announced
- 08/31 | Dr. Joel Cunningham to speak
- 08/31 | Mr. Belding to speak on campus
- 08/24 | U-T Trustee visits campus
- 08/24 | New faculty, tenure, promotions
- 08/16 | Welcome Week
- 08/10 | Campus celebrates back to school
- 08/03 | Welcome Week 2007 events
- 07/27 | Classes begin Monday, August 20
- 07/20 | Planning begins for new library